About Andy Lake
Business writer
Andy Lake is a writer and business consultant - with a focus
on the future. The way things could be: for better or for worse.
For nearly 20 years Andy has run the award-winning
publication Flexibility, a journal of flexible working and
business innovation. You can find it online at
From this strand of his work comes his first management book
Smart Flexibility. It's all about how to
take a business-focused approach to delivering benefits: for the
business, for employees, and for the environment.
Andy's consultancy work covers the following areas:
- helping companies develop new ways of working
- commissioned writing about business innovation
- carrying out leading-edge research into new ways of
working and their impacts on business, society and public
- speaking and lecturing - to raise awareness, share
knowledge and motivate for change
Find out about his
consultancy work here, if you need support with Smart or
Flexible Working.
Out now - Shades of Green - published Feb 2013
Shades of Green is a political novel set in the near future.
What would happen if a government committed to green policies
and animal rights principles were elected, and had the will and
determination to carry them through? Like a Green Taliban, only
better organised and with the resources of a modern state at
their disposal. In Shades of Green,
that's just what happens.
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